Parenting a spectrum of girls

Thankfulness- Day 4


Today I am thankful for the team of people who have helped M progress to where she is today.  In this picture, taken yesterday, she had just spontaneously climbed into my lap to cuddle!  This has not happened at all until very recently.  She also used to freak out about having her picture taken…now she likes it!  This morning we stopped at Starbucks on the way to a play date with her best friend.  On the way out a gentleman held the door open for us, and I thanked him.  Then as she passed him, M looked at him and said “thank you”.  That was huge!  Certainly more than I could have expected or asked for.

M absolutely still has struggles.  Sounds bother her a lot and she has recently started flicking her hands in front of her face (a new stim) when she is overwhelmed, especially when A is crying for any reason.  Her drawing and writing are considerably behind what is developmentally appropriate; she still can not even trace shapes.  But thanks to her OT, her dyspraxia is far less severe…she can dress herself for the most part, ride a bike with little help, and actually play with toys and use imagination (though she still prefers sorting to actual playing).  Thanks to her psychologist and psychiatrist we have seen drastic improvements in her behavior and sensory problems, and even to some extent with socialization.  Her daycare teachers & director from birth to 5 provided her a safe place to develop and be loved for who she was.  Her teacher, parapro & dean at her school this year have been amazing with her.  Though we went through 3 parapros in as many weeks, the end result couldn’t have been better, and M is able to stay on “green” (good behavior) almost every day.  Even the Early On program locally, though they did not feel she qualified for services due to her age appropriate language development at age 3, gave us good resources, suggestions, and the social worker and OT came to our home to give us some guidance and materials.

And of course, our amazing friends and family who have been there for us every step of the way.  Especially those friends who know exactly what we are going through and have been a tremendous resource (yes you Rachel, Kim, Amber, Courtney & Suzette).  It really does take a village, and the bigger the special needs the bigger village you need.  We have been blessed with a big, wonderful village that have helped all of us grow together.

Comments on: "Thankfulness- Day 4" (2)

  1. bargainhuntermum said:

    U have such a beautiful family. So humbling to read / follow ur posts.

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